Where can I find dissertations and Masters theses from American Institutions?


The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database available through Florida State University provides subject, title, and author access to almost all American dissertations accepted at an accredited institution since 1861. Masters theses have been selectively indexed since 1962. Abstracts are included for doctoral dissertation records from July 1980 to the present. In addition, the database serves to disseminate citations for thousands of Canadian dissertations and an increasing number of papers accepted in institutions abroad. Professional (e.g., M.D., LL. D.) and honorary degrees are not included.

If you are not affiliated with a library that subscribes to PQDT, you can search for dissertations and theses through Dissertation Express. Dissertation Express lets you purchase unbound print copies or PDFs of graduate works published by ProQuest.

  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2019
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Sarah Pearson

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