What does F.R.D. stand for?


F.R.D. is the legal abbreviation for Federal Rules Decision.  These can be found at  KF 105 F44 in the Research Center.

Law students and faculty with access to Westlaw can also search online.

If you are looking for commentary on federal court rules, you can search the Federal Rules Decisions (FRD) database on Westlaw. FRD contains documents interpreting the federal rules, documents reflecting changes and amendments to the federal rules and articles about the federal rules. Coverage begins with 1938.

To retrieve only articles use the FRD Articles database (FRD-ART)--coverage begins with 1938. To search a specific topic, use the title field (ti) with your search term, i.e. ti(class-action). There are also databases to retrieve only cases (FRD-CS)--coverage begins with 1938, and to retrieve only rules (FRD-RULES)--coverage begins with 1944.


  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2019
  • Views 3133
  • Answered By Sarah Pearson

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